Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Beach weekend with the Bighams!

 Our sweet friends, the Bigham family, came down to visit for the weekend and we all had such a great time!  Our "big girls" are both 4 and our little ones are only 3 months it worked out great for them to have playmates! We ate some good food, had a beach day complete with waterside picnic and watched football and made the "big boys" watch a chick was a great weekend and we can't wait for next year! 

 These girls were fast friends and loved playing together!

 My little ragamuffin ( I forgot his bathing suit! So swim diaper and t-shirt was his beach attire!)
 As you can tell he could care less! Look at that smile!

 Don't I look so happy that Laura took this picture?! However, she is a true friend bc she did not get a full body shot!  Who wants to be photographed in a bathing suit at 15 weeks pregnant! 
 Proud of her sandcastle creation
 No beach weekend is complete without s'mores!
 I am not kidding when I say these kids played so well was great!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

18 months and growing fast!

 This little guy has completely got me wrapped around his little finger! I just eat him up every chance I get! Henry is 18 months now and all boy!  I just took him in for his well visit last week and here are his stats:

Weight: 24lbs. 4 oz.   30% 
Height: 32 in.  70%

Right now he is doing all sorts of cute things!  
  • Loves to push around anything with wheels: sister's stroller, his trucks, and any kind of push toys
  • Makes a few animal sounds like cow, dog, cat, duck, horse and a roaring sound that I guess could be anything?
  • He can say some words like: DA-dee, cow, apple, go, hi, bye, book, bird, fish and a few more that I just can't remember.
  • He can also say a few two-and-three word phrases: Let's Go, In the sky, EIO (from Old McDonald), Go outside.
  • He is moving faster these days with more running like walking than just slow walking.
  • He is pointing and telling us what he sees.
  • And he is pinching us and says "ow."  Then he just flashes a funny grin when we say ouch back.
  • He still takes a good 2 hour afternoon nap and sleeps 11 hours at night.
  • Eating habits are limited and some days he will like one thing and then not like it the next.  But he will eat all kinds of fruits and I give him veggies through those Plum Organics packs, so I think we're good.
  • We are just so lucky that this little guy is doing so well and that he is a happy and healthy and sweet boy!

Monday, September 24, 2012

15 weeks

  I am 15 weeks!

Pregnancy highlights:
How far along: 15 weeks
Total weight gain: 3ish lbs.
(Haven't been on the scale this week, a little scared, but going to the dr. on Wednesday and will find out then!)
Maternity clothes: none so far, thank goodness pants and shorts button low
Gender: still don't know!
Sleep: oddly I am going to bed so much later and of course I am tired when I wake up!
What I miss: running and being able to clear my dr. told me to stop since my back has really been giving me trouble
Cravings: terrible and horrible food like milkshakes, Mexican food that is really cheesy and cookies
Symptoms: still breaking out on my face, but I trying out a new soap and killer headaches!
Best moment of the week: letting GA take this picture with my really nice camera, she was SO proud of herself!
She also took this one! Now, I just want to let anyone seeing this know....I have absolutely no make-up on and this is what I truly look like at the end of the day after bathing two kids and tucking them in!  So this is for real....reality blogging that this! But my sweet husband looks pretty cute! 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Fun Saturday!

Today, we decided to lay down some mulch in our flower beds and I convinced Russ that this could all be done with the kids in tow. Of course you can see by the pictures that there was a little distraction with GA riding her tricycle and Henry going all over the place.  But we got the mulch put down and I got to escape for a few hours to get my haircut and do a little kid-free shopping!  Such a guilty was pretty awesome not having to buckle kids in and out of car seats and leisurely walking in and out of stores without a screaming child.  I tell you it was bliss!

I am so glad that I got the camera out and snapped these pics because the kids looked so cute playing together.  I keep thinking about how it is going to be this time next year with three!  I know it will be busy, but I know they will be so much fun!  

Hook 'em Horns! Beat those Rebels!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Keeping track....13 weeks

 This was the best pic I could find of me pre-pregnancy this summer.
Since this is the last time I will be doing this pregnancy thing, I really want to document it better than I did the first two times.  I know that even though I can be extremely miserable some days, I know I will forget what it was like and wish I had written some memories down.  So I am starting with 13 weeks....

(I took this questionnarie from Kelly's Korner)

Pregnancy highlights:
How far along: 13 weeks
Total weight gain/loss:  up 1 lb.
Maternity clothes: so far none
Gender: not sure, but I feel like it's a girl from all my symptoms
Sleep: not good, getting up 1 to 2 times to go the BR
What I miss: a glass of wine on the couch after the kids go to bed
Cravings: lemon flavored food, crushed ice and fried food
Symptoms: terrible acne (never had this before with GA or H), bloating, easily out of breath and a little less nauseous and tired
Best moment this week: Getting into the pants I am wearing in the picture, but it will be the last time!

September so far...

Here we are last Sunday morning before church! We actually were ready a few minutes early, so I wanted to snap some pictures.  It was GraceAnn's first day of Sunday School!  As you can tell in the above pic, that she was being super silly and poor brother was not a happy camper.  We have really tried to work with her on not grabbing his neck!  Yikes!  #3 will have to come out with a shield and body armour!  

 Yay, two of the three of us are smiling!  Henry was really into my ruffles on my shirt!  He loves to play with my jewelry and anything interesting that is on my clothing! 

 This was taken on Labor Day weekend when Meme and Pepaw and Grandma Sebring came over for dinner.  I was terrible about snapping pics when we went to the beach or to the swimming pool that weekend, but the beach was beautiful and it was a great weekend!
 Pepaw and GA watching TV. Well, one of them was doing some watching...Pepaw was a little tired!
 After church we went to eat at the Waterstreet brunch and afterwards I took the kids to play outside, while Russ was finishing eating.  They love to run back and forth and hearing this boy giggle is priceless!

 Grace Ann's outfit complete with "stylish things."  This is exactly what she wore to meet her teacher at preschool!  She is definitely rockin' her crown and "jewels."