Sunday, November 16, 2008

Yippee I'm Three!

I can't believe that three months have gone by since Grace Ann has joined our family. It seems like it was just yesterday when we entered Dr. Wilder's office for the last time and checked into the hospital. The other day Russ and I were talking about how we remember being "us" before she was born, but how we love this new "us" and couldn't imagine our life without her.

Today she turned three months and here are some things she has been doing:
1. Lots of smiling!
2. Turning her head towards her mommy and daddy.
3. Laughing (only happened once so far in the bath tub.....I cried when she had her 1st laugh....these firsts are so emotional!)
4. Taking naps in her crib!
5. Playing very actively on her playmat....kicking those feet and scooting her bottom so she faces a different way.
6. Sucking her thumb!(I don't have any idea where she got this from! He-he..)
7. She absolutely LOVES her bouncy seat and me and Russ have nicknamed it "Playful Puppies" because that is the song we hear over and over again.
Here are some things that Russ and I have accomplished in our three months as new parents:
1. Change diapers in less than a minute! That's right we are Rock Stars!
2. We know her different cries.......didn't think we would actually be able to tell but now we do!
3. Sing her songs that have no tune, no meaning and still get those precious smiles!
4. We have gotten some sleep and are no longer zombies!
5. Survived massive diaper one knows when they will strike but when they do prepare yourself for the worst! (Oddly enough we have only had one happen in the middle of church!)
6. We can give her a bath without her crying or looking at us like we are crazy people!
So thankfully we have survived the 4th trimester and look forward to what this month will bring us! I know I say this in almost every post but I have to say it again, "We are just so darn lucky to have this sweet little one in our lives!!!"


Stuart, Jennifer, Hannah and Hudson Yeager (Phoebe and Daisy too!) said...

She is growing so fast!!! She looks like you!

Jessica Brame said...

Grace Ann is so precious!!! i asked rachel about her hubby and russ...she said, they've known each other since they were 4 years old...even have the year book to prove it!! that's pretty cool!!! small world!! they'll be in midland for thanksgiving...are y'all going? love you! xo

The Bigham Family said...

She looks so cute in her little outfit from Nann. I like the bow too - who got her that???? LOL!

yram said...

Hey Alice Ann,

I put a package in the mail for Grace Ann on Friday. It will probably get there while you are gone for Thanksgiving. Grace Ann is beautiful, she looks just like you and your mom. She looks so much like your baby pictures.
We will all be in Oxford for Thanksgiving week. Have a safe and happy holiday. Give Russ and Grace Ann a kiss.
Aunt MaryJo

Joni said...

Tell My Grace Ann that Her Joni thinks she is fabulous. I am so thankful that I get to watch her grow. It thrills me to see the joy that you and Russ share in each new moment with her.