Saturday, April 28, 2012

Playtime at the house!

 Sometimes our days turn into "lazy" days of doing absolutely nothing.  I attempt to get some laundry done or work on organizing (something that has become my obsession) an area of the house, but it never 3 o'clock it looks like a tornado has struck our house and left one man down, ME!  But when I see a lot of toys around my house, I remember a few things. One, yay we used our toys and played with them and two, they had a fun day together being kids!  So that makes me feel better and my pile of laundry unfortunately does not! never does...I hate laundry! So here are some pics of one of our lazy days!

 I thought this was cute! After the rodeo, she wanted to get her stick horse some food from her kitchen. (At first, she tried to use Oscar's food, but then I convinced her to cook out of her kitchen.) So the pink pot is "Lucky's" water and the bowl is his food.  Poor Lucky, a little ankle biter is on his way to destroy your nice set-up! 
Not quite walking yet, but pushing anything with wheels! He's almost there and boy is he proud of himself!