Friday, March 2, 2012

The Amazing Race

Racing is all I do everyday, all day. Don't worry I haven't run a hole through my running shoes, I am talking about my brain. Doesn't it seem that all we do as moms is race from point A to point B and then back to point A again? Yesterday, I had 3 very important things to do before 10:30. I had to drop GA off at school, run home to zip through last night's dishes/feed brother, and then dash to the speech therapy office to pick up my SRS form. I know that on paper that doesn't sound like too much, but after I finished those three little tasks at 10:28, I had sweat dripping from my brow, underarms and my make-up was not looking so fresh! UGHHH..... So much for looking put together!

The point is I have had myself wondering what in the world did I do when I was teaching full-time, pregnant and taking care of a 2 year old last year! And then I remembered... my dishes were always dirty, that paper was never going to get picked up on time and my amazing race was in my classroom. Days like yesterday, left me exhausted and waking up today with bricks sitting on back with yet more errands to race around and run. However, there is a silver lining!

I had to make myself stop and take a breath and say to myself, "It's okay if I don't race today." So instead of going straight to the post office after the library (to fax that SRS form) I decided we needed a trip to the park. It was a beautiful day with a slight wind and great warm weather. So I guess you can say that today I stopped and smelled the roses (metaphorically, of course) and we had a great time!

I wish everyone a wonderful Friday and a breath of fresh air!