Saturday, May 11, 2013

Davis at 2 Months!

Look at that boy!  
Happy, Happy, Happy!

Davis turned 2 months old on May 7th and I just can't believe it!  
Where does the time go?

We went to the doctor for our check-up and 1st round of shots on May 8th and here are his stats:

Weight: 13lbs. even/ 80th %
Height: 24 inches/ 80th%

Our doctor was impressed by his weight gain and said he must be a good eater! 
I have to say that he is a good eater and a good sleeper! 

Here are some other fun facts about how Davis' second month went for us:

Sleep:  He can go 6 hours at night and most nights can go 7 hours straight.  I wouldn't say we are on a consistent schedule yet, but he wants to get in his bed around 9 and then I will feed him one more time before I get in bed around 10:30 or 11:00 just so he can go longer.

Eating: Usually going every 3 hours, but sometimes in the afternoon and early evening wants to eat every 2 hours.

Naps:  No schedule on that either, but usually takes a nap after he eats and has some awake time.  And he usually takes a nap in the careseat (bc I am doing car pool with GA and Henry) or in the swing.  He tends to sleep better in the morning and early afternoon.

Tricks:  He has been smiling and cooing! Davis loves to look at the fan spinning and the lights on his playmat!  He has rolled over from tummy to back and grabbed hold of a hanging toy. 

Misc.:  He loves to be swaddled and listen to the sound machine at night, will go to sleep when we lay him down in his bed all by himself, uses a paci for comfort and has started really sucking on his hands if I don't get the paci to him first!  He also loves to be held ( I think all my babies have loved this..) and I try to hold him as much as I can! He is so precious and I just want to hold on to these sweet moments as long as I can!  Sometimes I feel sad that he is our last baby and I won't have these times much longer, but on the other hand I am just so happy to have him in my arms and that he is healthy and such a wonderful, happy baby!