Friday, February 10, 2012

Henry at 10 months!

As you can tell, Henry is a wiggle worm! And now the camera flash seems to get his eyes at just the right the spot and he flinches, which in real life is pretty cute!

Ten months was a big month for this little guy:

  • He learned how to "cruise" and "pull-up" onto furniture. So now the house is his kingdom and he is everywhere! It is so funny to see him discover our house, because to me it is the same ole' same ole' but to this guy it is "AHmazing!"
  • Right when he turned 10 months he began to pick up food and put it into his mouth! Big milestone, and this makes restaurant time so much easier.
  • I have stopped nursing him due to severe (and I mean severe) biting issues. I will not expand past that, but I am still pumping. And he's doing great with the bottles. So I will do that until he is a year.
  • He eats 20-22 oz. every day, about 3-4 bottles a day and three full meals with snacks. I am slowly introducing solid foods: pancakes, eggs, pasta, avocado and tofu.
  • He is still a great sleeper with 11-12 hours every night and 2 naps a day. I think that he is growing out of that morning nap because he does fight it more than not. So we will see about phasing that out soon, just not yet!
  • He loves to be where big sister is and to see what she is up to. And for the most part she is very accomodating to him.
  • His love at the beginning of ten months was opening and shutting doors, cabinets and anything that would swing. He was like in a trance figuring out how these things work!
  • Now for the most part he loves to have a toy in hand that makes noise when he crawls around and bangs it on the floor!
  • And he spoke his first words this last week! His first official word was "Oscar!" Of course it sounds more like "OOOs- KA" but it is definitely his name and he says it when he is trying to pet him. He can also sign "All Done." and say the beginning syllables to that, too! I am very impressed! So far he has communicated to us that he likes our dog and enjoys finishing his dinner!
  • As far as his stats go, for his 9 month well baby appt. he was 20lbs. (30th % weight) and 29.5 inches long (85th % height). He dropped down in weight percentage but I think that is because he has had some ear infections and colds that have made him not too hungry. But I bet he will be up when we go for the 12 month well baby check!
As you can already guess, we are on our toes this month with little guy! No one ever told me how clumsy boys are! Henry falls almost every day and what kills me is that I am within steps, inches or seconds from him. It comes out of nowhere! Enjoy his funny faces as much as I do!