Friday, October 7, 2016

Emme's 12 month old pics!

This girl turned into a wiggle worm overnight! No more happy, stay put baby, she is a toddler on the move!  I am writing about these milestones about 6 months past due, so my memory is lagging with the 12 month stats!  Ughhhhh..... sorry my fourth child!  Emme turned one on April 21st and we had a little party on Mother's Day. My parents got her the little purple chair and my mom made the cute birthday outfit.  She loves climbing in and out of the chair and being a big girl!

 Weight (from May 21st)- 19lbs. 25 %
Height- not sure! but she was in the 50th %

I think she will be a petite girl with a big smile and telling us all what to do!

Sleep- 12 hours at night, usually from 7:30p-7:30a
Takes a nap around 11:30-1:30 and then a little cat nap in the late afternoon.

Eating- bottles of whole milk and nurses in the morning, before nap and at night time
Plus, eating three meals a day....but not very big portions!

Almost a walker, but she did take her first steps about three weeks after her birthday. It did not take her long to get to be a full on walker. I think she was has been the quickest learner because the other kids did not begin walking until at least 13-14 months, which was fine with me!

We are so glad that you "surprised" us when we learned you would be a part of our family! Never knew we weren't complete until you came along. So grateful for your smile, kisses and love! Can't wait to see the places you will go!