Monday, June 1, 2015

Emme is One Month!

 Every time one of my babies turn a month old, I just always say, "that was too fast."
Doesn't she look super happy with her bow on her head?  My sweet friend bought her this bow that has a button to stick on it with each month. 

One month happenings with Miss Emme:
She loves to eat and sleep and get new diapers! Ha! 
She can sleep through two big brothers and one sister hollering and playing around.
She has great day time naps, fussy evenings with uncomfortable newborn hiccups and loves to be held.
She doesn't love a pacifer, which can be more work for me to get her calm, especially after the hiccups.
For the most part, she is a very easy baby and just loves to get attention.  
We love you so much little Emme!