Davis turned 10 months on Jan. 7th and he has been busy moving around our house! This boy is very mobile and active when he is not asleep! Whew! I wish I had his energy!
This month he weighs:
21 lbs.
And is 30.75 inches long!
Nursing 3-4x a day and solid foods 3x a day
He is going through a "sleep regression" (just found this term when I googled no napping) and he has been standing up in his crib fighting going to sleep during his normal nap time! This has been going on since right after Christmas! This website says that this phase could last up to 6 weeks! This sleep regression, which usually happens from 8-11 months, has to do with babies learning new motor development (crawling, standing up, pulling up) skills and their minds are constantly in motion and it is hard for them to sleep. And that is so true, because this guy just learned how to do all those things in the last month or so. I am just hoping we are going to be moving out of this stage very soon!
Night time sleep:
Same as the naps, crying when I lay him down, even when I do the same bed time routine I have been doing for months. But we put him to sleep usually between 7-7:30pm and he will stay asleep, usually, until 7am.
New teeth:
He has three new teeth coming in on top! All at the same time! I didn't notice there were three of them until I looked one day and man, did I feel so guilty that I hadn't been giving him anything for the pain!
New tricks:
Davis has become a very smart baby...he knows that if he throws his paci on the floor, we will come in to put it back in. And when we do, he has a funny look on his face that says, "I knew you'd come back!"
And the other trick he does to let me know that he wants me to keep holding him is when I try to set him down on the floor, he keeps his legs straight as a board so I can't sit him down. This guy is too smart! I for see some mischievous behavior in his future!
Getting his 10 month picture was a little bit harder...I attempted 3 different times on Tuesday, but I guess when you are cutting 3 new teeth and have a runny nose, the results will not be the best!
"Come on Mom, not another photo shoot!"
Poor guy! I am totally torturing him!
I think this is the best one....