Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekend in Cleveland

Last weekend, GA and I drove to Cleveland to visit my folks. Thank goodness to a portable DVD player and Nemo, we made it to Cleveland without a hitch! We also got to stop and see GA's friend, Allie, who is 5 months old and just adorable! Grace Ann kept saying to me, "hold it" as if I were going to let her, a mere 23 months, hold this baby all by herself. She was also drooling over this baby like a piece of chocolate candy! It was too funny. But here are some pictures of my mom and GA that Rick took while they were out in the backyard swimming. I was at church, enjoying some peace and quiet and not having to worry that as soon as the homily began I would have to get up to go to the cryroom. However, today at church was a funny story....GA discovered the statue of Jesus and was mesmerized! She would look at me and point-"Jesus!" And to top it off everytime the choir music would become louder and get dramatic (to emphasize special parts in the mass) she would say and I quote, " Whoa...Jesus is coming!" And people this is the televised service! Everyone around us died laughing, but GA was some kind of serious! That is just too precious not to share. Enjoy the pictures and I hope all my teacher friends are enjoying there last days of the summer as August will be here too soon!