Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Emme- 7 and 8 months old pictures

 This boy loves his sister! He is always playing with her and bringing her toys and making sure she is not upset... such a sweet thing to watch!

Seven Months was a big month for little Emme! She did so many new things and we were totally amazed at her ability to turn into a monkey overnight! It all started during Thanksgiving, right after she turned 7 months, she began to really move from room to room so fast...just crawling all over the place! Then, after Russ took off hunting (the day after Turkey day), she stood up! That girl just grabbed a hold of Meme's coffee table and pulled herself all the way up.  I could not believe it. I sent Russ the picture of her standing up and he sent back, "that is too soon, push her down!" 

This girl has too many people to keep up with...three to be exact! (plus old dog, Oscar.) 

Emme also has had the month of drooling...teeth are right around the corner for her! I had to keep her in a bib most days, because her outfits were just getting so wet.

Her weight this month was around 16.5 lbs. and she is wearing 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.

She slept really good on our trip to Midland for Thanksgiving and the rest of the month, too. She averages between 12-13 hours of nighttime sleep, with several 45m-1hour naps a day. (depending on where we go that day)  She has moved up to eating 2-3 jars/pouches of food a day and nursing/bottles about 5-6 times a day.

And now we are in month 8! Which brought a few bumps, bruises and some unexpected falls! Ughhh, because she has learned to be so mobile so quickly, this girl is clumsy! I will be sitting or standing a few feet from her and suddenly, BAM, she falls or hits her head on something.  I have had to pick her up and give so much TLC from these spills, I just feel so awful for her, especially when she gets a bruise as a reminder!  

And bless her heart, she had to get the skin underneath her tongue clipped, since that presented a tongue-tie issue that could later bring about speech problems.  She had it done right before Christmas at a day surgery center by our ENT and had to have a stitch put in, too. I think she would have done better with it, except she had her first tooth coming in and it made the next two weeks miserable for her. She had a hard time sleeping, napping, eating, you name it, she was not herself! Thankfully, Russ and I think the stitch finally dissolved, as well as, the tooth broke through  and we think she is over the hump.  

Emme weighs about 17 lbs. now and is about 27inches long.  
6-9 months clothes and size 3 diapers

After New Years', we got our happy girl back and she has been sleeping, eating and playing so much better!

This month also brought up some good motor skills! She began to clap, do a half-wave, pick up cereal and put into her mouth, walking a few steps pushing her walker and working on holding her bottle! 

This girl is on her way to independence! And I say, "Noooooooo, stay my baby forever, please!"