Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Emme 9 and 10 months old!

I tell you what, I blinked and Emme was 9 months and then 10 months old...I just can't get her to stop growing! This little baby girl has been busy learning and moving and getting in Oscar's way.  We had a tough February because after a visit to Midland, she came down with RSV that later turned into viral pneumonia.  Out of all the kids, she is the first one to ever get RSV, so this was new territory for me. Luckily, she got so much better after a shot of antibotics and some oral amoxicillin.

( I didn't get the sticker pictures taken!!!! My poor fourth child!)

 This girl just lights up a room with her smile and her bright eyes! And she is just the easiest, happy go lucky baby...she loves to watch and play with her brothers and sister.  They make her laugh the loudest!

Right now, her favorite toys are anything that isn't a toy... paper, plastic and the such...plus she has deemed herself master taste-tester of all things that are in her immediate area. On a minute by minute basis I am constantly pulling things out of her mouth.

Also, since she had her tongue cut in December she has been chewing on her tongue and sticking it waaaaay out.  I guess she is trying to get used to how it feels without it being constricted.  There has been a lot of drool!

Teeth have shown up, too, these last two months.  She now has four total, two middle ones on bottom and her two top teeth. The last big top tooth broke thru during Spring Break.

Weight and Height for months 9/10:
9 months- 17# and 27 inches
10 months- 17# 6 oz. and 27.5 inches

Hopefully, I will be more with it and get the 11 month old sticker picture!