Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Paradise- Days 4-7

The rest of our trip was pretty much the same: pool, lunch, nap, beach! I loved this schedule! WE had the best time and I can't wait to go back! I loved riding the bikes everywhere we went and just relaxing with the family. Russ and his dad were able to go fishing and they caught us some yummy redfish and trout. Eating fresh caught fish was delicious and it wasn't tar! Also we were very lucky that the oil spill hadn't reached the beaches yet, so the water was just perfect! So here are the rest of my favorite shots from the trip...

All through-out the neighborhood they had beautiful gardens and here is a shot of Russ and GA running through one of them on our way to the pool!

My camera lens would fog up when we went outside sometimes so that's why it is so blurry!

Eating lunch, while Russ and Earl were fishing.

Keith, Marcie and Jack

what cute cousins! they got along so well together!

quick family shot by the pool

parking the bike before heading to the beach
GA loved her shovel and pail!
the water was so gorgeous!

GA was deciding if the waves were safe!

Last night of the trip and you can tell they are wore out!
(They are watching Cinderella and Jack is so cute when he talks about the ugly stepsisters "those are mean girls, Auntie!" )


thetomlinsons said...

I really miss those hard decisions - beach or pool, nap or puzzlin'. I especially like that we were too lazy to whip out the blender until the last day of the trip and would settle for cocktails on ice instead of frozen ones......aaahhhhh