Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Happy Father's Day! (to a pretty awesome guy I know)

To my best friend and the best Daddy to our four kids...I know we don't exactly have the easiest life (or get any sleep), but we have the best life we could ever have hoped for... I love you more than anything and thank God everyday for putting you into my life.  And I'm really sorry you didn't get the long nap on Sunday...and you had to cook your own breakfast, lunch and dinner and mow the yard...next year (I promise) will be better!


Emme's newborn pics- my favorites

Emme's 2 months old!

 Little Miss Emme is two months old!  I cannot believe how much this sweet baby has grown. I just told Russ how chunky I think she has become in the last week!  We go to the doctor for her two month shots and well check on Thursday, so I will know the official weight and height then. But around five weeks, I took her in for a weight check and she was at 10lbs. 4 oz. and 23 inches long, so I bet she is close to 12 lbs.
As you can tell, she was having a good time with me taking pictures and then a not so good time. Right in the middle of taking pictures, she got the hiccups and it made her really upset. 

 My favorite pic! Look at that sad face!
And a few notes about Emme this month:

Eating- She is eating all the time, but will give me a 6-7 hour stretch at night.
She has been very gassy, especially at night and won't settle herself down until almost midnight, I have done a lot of bouncing with this one.
Sleeping- lots of daytime naps, her best ones are in the morning, and then she takes lots of short ones in the afternoons ( I think she gets woken up by our loud house of brothers and sister!)  
However, she has been a great night time sleeper, thank goodness!
Other stuff: Smiling at all of us when we talk to her, doesn't like to be put down much, especially in the afternoons (her fussy time) and loves seeing her brothers and sister play around her, and starting to coo! 
Wearing a size 1 diaper, but this week moved to size 2.  And wearing 0-3 month clothes.  So far, her eyes are still gray, but I see some brown specks, so I am leaning towards brown eyes.  

Monday, June 1, 2015

May Happenings...

 Grace Ann's field day
It was rainy weather, so it was inside the gym!

 Henry helping me with my package! New clothes for Mommy!
 Grace Ann as Elsa for storybook character day.
And of course, cute Mr. Davis saying "cheese."

Emme is One Month!

 Every time one of my babies turn a month old, I just always say, "that was too fast."
Doesn't she look super happy with her bow on her head?  My sweet friend bought her this bow that has a button to stick on it with each month. 

One month happenings with Miss Emme:
She loves to eat and sleep and get new diapers! Ha! 
She can sleep through two big brothers and one sister hollering and playing around.
She has great day time naps, fussy evenings with uncomfortable newborn hiccups and loves to be held.
She doesn't love a pacifer, which can be more work for me to get her calm, especially after the hiccups.
For the most part, she is a very easy baby and just loves to get attention.  
We love you so much little Emme! 

Henry's preschool appreciation breakfast

 This sweet boy and I got to have some one-on-one time at his school "parent appreciation" breakfast.
He was so excited to get his certificate and I loved getting to focus my attention on just him.  
He pointed out all his friends and showed me his favorite toys in his classroom.
Henry with his two very, very sweet teachers!