- He slept from 11-6 on May 6th! Happy Mother's Day to me!
- He weighs 12 lbs. 4 oz. (we haven't been to our 2 month check yet, more stats later.)
- He has the cutest chunky thighs!
- He is cooing, smiling and making facial expressions.
- He's kicking those legs and waving his arms.
- Eating pretty much every 3 hours during the day.
- Smiles at big sister!
- Still on reflux medicine, but doing fine!
- Loves the swing...thank goodness!
- He loves to be swaddled at night and put to sleep with white noise.
- Still in his cradle in our room.
- Sucking on fingers.
- Still takes paci!
We are looking forward to the weekend, Henry is getting baptized!
I can't wait to see our family and friends come together for such a special event for our family!